

Sashenka Hernández Estrada

Sashenka Hernández Estrada (June 27, 1994) is originally from the community of Turicuaro, municipality of Nahuatzen, and Sicuicho, municipality of Los Reyes, located on the Purépecha plateau of Michoacán.

Speaker of the Purépecha language, second daughter of four brothers with an indigenous father and mother. Degree in Psychology from the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Diploma in "Rights of Native Peoples: History, Legislation and Struggle", as well as in "P'urhépecha Political, Historical and Community Training". Graduated from the 7th generation in film training from Ambulante Más Allá.

She is currently part of the Collective of psychologists "Eratsikua ka P'ikuarinikua", located in Pamatácuaro, Michoacán, with psychological work and accompaniment to women victims of violence at the regional level, she also collaborates with the "Red de Accompañantas de la Meseta Purépecha" and is part of the "Purépecha Women's Collective" that from the plateau accompany the lives of girls, adolescents, adult women and older adults on issues of sexual and reproductive autonomy, agrarian rights, political participation of indigenous women, sanction and eradication of the different types of violence against women.

In November 2021, he gave a community communication workshop entitled "Decentralized Narratives" in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. In March 2022, within the framework of International Women's Day, she attended the meeting "Voices of indigenous women in the media" as a guest of the National Institute of Indigenous Languages ​​(INALI), which brought together Afro-descendant, Mayan, and Mixtec women. , Zapotecs, Tseltales, Mazahuas and Purépechas, within the facilities of the Chapaneco Radio and Television System, located in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, as well as the Intercultural University of Chiapas, located in San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico.

From February to June 2022, she participated as a Purépecha interpreter in the "CovidconCiencia" initiative, a verification project on Covid-19 based on scientific evidence, through the Mexican Network of Science Journalists (RedMPC).

Currently, Sashenka is part of "Sembradoras Audiovisuales", a collective of young women filmmakers who fight for self-representation and appropriation of women's cinematographic tools from the different territories they inhabit, taking and understanding cinema as a political, social tool and denunciation. From the documentary cinema she has also produced translations and interpretations of dialogues in the Purépecha language for films such as “Xáni Xépika” (2008); "Marku irekani" (2021) and "Naná Mirinkua" (20222). She has accompanied processes of autonomous schools such as the "multiversity of life" located in Morelia, Michoacán, giving various workshops in Purépecha language.